Going Regenerative

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Organic and Regenerative

Health is Wealth. The health of our soil drives the health of our food. We see how poorly our soil has been treated and how many chemicals have been used to grow our food. We know that this goes into our bodies and community. The land and people suffer from these practices that do not value life as we need to.

We see the value of not spraying chemicals because it gets into our food and water and has negative effects on our community. When we transition to only using organic inputs we know our food is clean. When we transition to Regenerative practices then we know we are farming for the Future.

For decades we have been asleep as a culture in how we need to farm in right relationship with the land. As we wake up we recognize that we can farm a different way and it all needs to start now. We see this period of Reckoning and restoration of our soil and community as a way to return to right relationship with the land and in turn create a regenerative system of growing food.

We count our blessings to those who have donating resources and the grants Mileston has received to start this long journey. The Farmers have started planting cover crops and are excited about the crop planning that is underway for 2025. We look forward to having you on this journey with us.

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